Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Be Yourself

Did you know that no one else in the world is like you?

No one has your exact thoughts.
No one has your same silly sense of humor.
No one has your unique style or flair.
No one is like you.

Sometimes we see that has a "bad" thing.
We think it's bad if we don't look like a model
or if we don't have the same talents as other girls.

We easily see our differences as faults. 
(say that five times fast, dare you!)

Your heart. Your mind. Your voice. Your hope.
Your beauty. Your courage. Your love.

No one is like you.

So be yourself and celebrate who YOU are!

Celebrate those nose freckles!
Celebrate your obsession with Star Wars!
Whatever it is, celebrate it!

Because all of those little quirks, talents, features, and "differences"
make up a very special person.


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